Hundreds of firefighting pumps are in the order book for the coming years.
Firefighting pumps (ff-pumps) from IRON are highly sought after by Chinese shipyards. The latest delivery has been to the container giant from Swiss MSC which was constructed in the Hudong-Zhonghua yard. Onboard the 399,99-meter-long ship are four ff-pumps from IRON Pump. There have already been around 100 ff-pumps installed in ships built in China.
“When a very specific request from the market was put in front of us in 2022, we reacted quickly. Adjusting and optimising an existing pump to fit the current needs of said market, resulted in an improved type of ff-pump” Taotao Gong, Sales Director, Asia explains. “This achievement is the result of a close collaboration between the R&D department and the Chinese customers. The customers already know that pumps from IRON Pump are of the highest quality and offer reliable operation for many years, these new pumps were welcomed with open arms.”
» We meet the need for high quality in the high-paced Chinese market«
This ability to move fast and effectively is among the reasons IRON Pump is a first choice and the market for ff-pumps is promising: “The current market is interested in building new containerships where the safety is of increasing importance. To this aim, there is a need for high-quality pumps that can keep up with the pace which characterises the maritime environment, especially in China”, Mr. Gong finishes.
Watch our film about fire pumps for containervessels here:

Further information is available by contacing Taotao directly via